The brightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More infosmall and lightweight DDoptics binoculars Nighteagle ERGO 12x56 Gen 3.1
The new Nighteagle Ergo 12×56 ist mehr als die nächste Generation – es ist eine kompromisslose Lösung für alle, die Leistung mit geringem Gewicht zu moderatem Preis erwarten.
Trotz des geringen Gewichtes von nur 940 g liefert das 12×56 Nighteagle Ergo unglaubliche Leistung, welche die meisten Ferngläser in der 400,- Euro-Preisklasse übertrifft. Das Nighteagle Ergo 12×56 ist prädestiniert für alle Naturbeobachtungen auf weitere Entfernungen.
The new DDoptics ERGO Generation 3.1
The new generation 3.1 has been further improved: the Focussing wheel and the diopter sind aus robustem Metall gefertigt. Insgesamt konnte das Fernglas damit ganze 20 Gramm leichter gemacht werden. Weiterhin wurden die EyecupsFor spectacle wearers, all DDoptics binoculars are equipped with retractable eyecups. This makes observation easier and enlarges the field of vision. " More info with an innovative Z detent provided.
⇒ Dielectric mirror
⇒ Brightest GlassIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info from the Ergo series for night hunting
⇒ Dielectric mirror
⇒ Brightest lens from the Ergo series for night hunting
⇒ CT glass with low dispersion
⇒ Good Edge sharpnessFor technical reasons, image sharpness decreases from the centre of the image to the edge with every lens (due to the shape of the lens). " More info
⇒ Ideal for moonlight and backlighting
⇒ High light and contrast
⇒ Price - performance professional
⇒ Robust and suitable for all weather conditions
See things more brightly, no matter what the light is like.
Whether during the day or at dusk, the best way to experience a visual impression when it is completely natural and true to colour appears.
Die neue Optik des Nighteagle 12×56 ERGO 3.1 gibt dem Betrachter das Gefühl, tatsächlich brillante Realität zu erleben, wobei der Nighteagle immer wieder positiv überrascht. Colour fringes and colour misrepresentations is hardly known from these binoculars, a straight line remains a straight line even at the edges.
Heller, leichter, kontraststärker – ERGO 12×56 Gen. 3.1
When every finger of a pair of binoculars knows where it belongs, when you have the feeling of a light and smallPocket binoculars, often referred to as mini binoculars or pocket binoculars, are usually binoculars of the smallest design. " More info binoculars in your hand, and if these binoculars are still brighter and more contrasty than you ever thought possible for such a lightweight, then we have done everything right.
Find the focal point even in the dark (Smart Focus 50m-infinity)
Advantageous in the At dusk or at night is the Smart Focus: This technique largely eliminates the need for refocussing with the Nighteagle.
After focussing on an object around 100 metres away, the EyeThe retina of our eyes has two different types of sensory cells or receptors, the cones (for day vision) and the rods (for night vision). " More info automatically in the distance range from 50 metres to infinity without constant refocusing.
Leichtes Einstellen der Funktion 50 m bis unendlich
Der neue DDoptics Nighteagle ERGO 12×56 3.1 der dritten Generation ist seinem “großen Bruder” dem Pirschler Gen 3 ein wenig ähnlicher geworden. So verfügt auch der neue Nighteagle über eine fühlbare Strichmarkierung, mit deren Hilfe Sie das Fernglas bei Tag & Nacht problemlos in den Schärfebereich zurückführen können.
To the When adjusting at night, the tactile line marking on the focussing wheel simply turned to the "top" and the picture is sharp.
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