Decisive for success in the hunt is the bullet or projectile - the bullet construction

The storey is more important than the calibre and powder chamber! 

The question is often and repeatedly asked in hunting circles: "Which ammunition and Which calibre should be used for which use?"

The answer that is always repeated is The all-encompassing hunting calibre or the all-encompassing hunting cartridge does not exist!

The Overall result of a cartridge for the target effect consists of the Combination of calibre, case (the associated powder chamber), the powder used and the type of bullet. All of this is decisive for the possible area of application Together they determine the ballistic properties.

SAX SR bullet fragmentation
SAX SR bullet fragmentation

Calibres frequently used for hunting - due to ballistics

However, the interaction of the parameters shows that the Calibre

  • .270 WIN,
  • the 7 x 64 resp.. 7 x 64R,
  • the .308 WIN (military 7.62×51 NATO)
  • as well as .30-06, .300 WSM, 9,3×62, up to the German 8x68S magnum cartridge and numerous other calibres

for hunting native European and Scandinavian game without any problems like Roe deer, wild boar / sow, fallow deer, red deer / stag, elk, chamois, ibex etc. are suitable.

Depending on the intended use (especially the distance), weapon and bullet combination, one cartridge is more suitable for special game than the other.

The decisive factor for success - more than the calibre and powder chamber - is the bullet.

A current development due to the Use of lead (lead-free ammunition) changes everything - yes, that's right - we're talking about the copper bullets.

Copper hunting bullets (KJG) are environmentally friendly (lead-free) and effective

The lead-free SAX SR bullet
The lead-free SAX SR bullet

It is precisely here that the Reloading offers great opportunities for the reloaders among hunters.The so-called Copper hunting bullets from SAX change everything due to the high bullet velocities and the altered behaviour of the bullet on impact. Suddenly, calibres that were unthinkable for certain applications suddenly become highly interesting or the range of use changes, as with the 308 WIN, for example.

Lead-free Sax copper hunting bullets in the shop