Tuning of the Bergara BA13 Take Down: precision and durability thanks to 550 g trigger tuning and Cerakote coating
or how to turn a Bergara BA13 Take Down into a really cool, stainless part.
The Bergara BA13 Take Down is a compact, precise and versatile break-barrel rifle that is ideal for both hunting and sport shooting. With its simple, robust design and reliability, it is an excellent choice for many users.
Our Bergara BA13 Take Down with DDoptics 5-30×50 Tactical has been extensively reworked at Fine Ballistic Tools to realise the full potential of this weapon. A Spartan socket for the installation of a bipod. But we wanted more.
In a second step, we had the weapon optimised once again. Fine Ballistic Tools carried out extensive tuning measures that optimised the trigger, the CoatingIf light hits a glass-air surface (e.g. with a roof prism), the reflection causes a loss of light. " More info and the design:
The trigger was completely disassembled and reworked, all steel parts were coated with Cerakote and the black synthetic stock was finished with a customised Cerakote design.

Particularly impressive: the creative team from Fine Ballistic Tools had a free hand in the design.
In this report, we would like to present the two decisive optimisations:
- The Reduction of the high trigger weight from approx. 1.2 kg to 550 g and
- The application of a Cerakote complete coating for permanent rust protection, including a Cerakote camo design coating of the plastic shaft.
In this article, we explain the technical background, the advantages and how these optimisations make the Bergara BA13 Take Down even more powerful.
Bergara BA13 Take Down Reduce trigger weight from approx. 1.2 kg to 550 g
Why is the trigger weight important?
The Trigger weight has a significant influence on precision of a firearm. By default, the trigger weight of the Bergara BA13 is around 1.2 kg - which is often due to the legal requirements in the USA.
This trigger pull weight is acceptable for many applications, but a lower trigger pull weight can be an advantage, especially for accurate shooting at longer distances. European hunters often prefer lighter triggers.
A lighter triggeras it has now been implemented with 550 g, requires less force when released. This minimises the risk of unconsciously exerting pressure on the weapon and impairing accuracy. This is an enormous advantage, especially for lightweight break-action rifles such as the Bergara BA13, which are sensitive to movement.
Fine Ballistic Tools has the Trigger unit completely dismantled and reworkedto not only achieve the lower trigger pull weight, but also to ensure a comprehensive Cerakote coating to protect against corrosion.
Advantages of trigger tuning
- Improved precision: Less effort leads to a more stable hold of the weapon - crucial when hunting and at longer distances.
- Faster reactionsA smooth-action trigger ensures that the trigger can be pulled precisely at the decisive second.
- Less fatigueEspecially during long shooting sessions or intensive hunting days, the finger remains relaxed - a nice bonus here.
Safety aspects of tuning
A Professional trigger tuning is essential to ensure a safe and reliable release. Thanks to the expertise of the gunsmiths at Fine Ballistic Tools, we could be sure that our trigger remains optimally adjusted and completely safe.
Cerakote coating: protection and style for the Bergara BA13
Why Cerakote?
Conventional bluing, as is often used for the Bergara BA13, offers basic protection but is susceptible to moisture and weathering. This protection quickly reaches its limits, especially in harsh environments such as mountainous regions.
Cerakote Cerakote, on the other hand, is a high-tech ceramic coating that offers superior protection against rust, abrasion and weathering. Cerakote also enables visual customisation through numerous colour and design options.
The advantages of the Cerakote coating
- Excellent corrosion protectionLong-term resistance even in extreme humidity.
- Resistance to scratchesIdeal for tough everyday hunting.
- Customised designFrom classic to eye-catching camouflage patterns - almost anything is possible.
Our gun was given a full Cerakote coating, including a customised synthetic stock with a stylish blade design.
Summary: Our conclusion after tuning
The combination of reduced trigger pull weight and the robust Cerakote coating raises our Bergara BA13 Take Down to a new level. The advantages:
- Precise and safe shot due to the trigger tuning.
- Long-term protection from corrosion and wear thanks to Cerakote.
- Unique design thanks to the creative camo coating.
We are delighted with the result and can recommend tuning at Fine Ballistic Tools to anyone who wants to perfect their Bergara BA13.