Natural Medicine Book: True, forgotten, mythical and mystical facts about the wonderful healing power of our wild animals
Even before Thousands of years ago, people (hunter-gatherers) recognised that the special healing gifts of our animalswhich go far beyond the simple consumption of meat. Although the bodies of animals hold many other treasures for us, this knowledge is no longer widespread. We want to go in search of traces of this almost forgotten tradition and discover this Natural good for our health preserve.
In addition to the extremely important role of ethics and fairness in huntingthis book deals with the Production of ointments from animal fats and oilswhich are prepared according to old traditional recipes such as:
- Badger ointments
- Marmot ointments
- Ointments from the deer
- Chamois ointment
- and much more.
The Killing of an animal by the hunter was for many generations not only to secure food dedicated to the animal. Instead, the whole animal was used and utilised as carefully as possible. A considerable part of it served the People as a remedy.
The Knowledge of the healing effect was developed over a long time passed on orally from generation to generation. This chain of Knowledge transfer seems to be getting shorter and weaker to become. The purpose of this book is to to preserve the great knowledge of the "hunting and forest pharmacy" as a cultural and natural asset and supplement them with new findings from science and research. Many simple old and new recipes for health, beauty and well-being make you want to put the findings back into practice.
With this book - Barbara Hoflacher is currently working on an expanded 2nd edition - she is attempting to utilise all the old knowledge and experience is to be collected and archived. Thanks to the latest Findings from science and research The old wisdom is to be supplemented and confirmed. The heritage of our ancestors should not only be preserved, we also want to make a contribution for future generations.
The Author Barbara Hoflacher has been managing the Outdoor school for aromatherapy and medicinal plants in Tyrol. As an enthusiastic mountain sportswoman and in all its facets a special concern. As a young hunter, nature and naturopathy are close to her heart.
Our experience: Reading this natural healing book makes aware of the true and forgotten
If we were already talking about this Natural medicine book on the "Healing powers of animal fats", we would have been spared the experience with our marmot and would have ended up with a perfect marmot ointment instead of something destroyed.
But since we didn't know that, our experience was: Marmot fat heated far too much and a terrible odour within your own four walls.
Conclusion: This Naturopathy book with animals opens one's eyes and one immediately realises that many hunters have already Much knowledge lost has gone. This collection of traditional knowledge and new recipes, supplemented with scientific findings and pictures, is a real treasure for anyone interested in traditional home remedies!!!
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