DDoptics Mini 14 C - Night Vision Device Commercial Grade
The DDoptics MiniPocket binoculars, often referred to as mini binoculars or pocket binoculars, are usually binoculars of the smallest design. " More info 14-C Night vision device is standard with selected Photonis Commercial Grade image intensifier tubes equipped.
These Photonis picture tubes are very close to the Range of services the military image intensifierbut have not via the auto-gating function (a special electronic control unit that controls the Glare effect other light sources suppressed).
Special features night vision device
⇒ 10.5 cm overall length
⇒ Weight 280 grams
⇒ Field of visionThe size of the field of view indicates the width of the terrain that can be observed through the binoculars at a distance of 1000 metres. " More info 40°
⇒ Spotting scope adapter
⇒ Ultra-compact and WaterproofWith a watertight lens, a clean and dry gas filling in the form of an argon or nitrogen filling creates an "internal climate" that prevents fogging. " More info
Photonis Comercial Grade Tubes are a by-product highest quality from the current production of tubes for military purposes. The significantly cheaper tubes highest quality make the Mini14-C the perfect choice for applications in private Area.
Function and technology of a "Nightvision" device
All Night vision devices (residual light amplifiers) function on the basis of a multiple Light amplification of the infrared light - in the visible and near wave range. The night vision device always consists of a LensWhen we talk about the objective lens of binoculars, we mean the front lens. The front lens is the foremost lens of the objective. " More info (the optics of the night vision device), one Image intensifier tubea power source and a EyepieceThe eyepiece is the lens group of an optical system that faces the eye. The eyepieces consist of several separate lenses - achromats (3-6 individual lenses). " More info.
For the human EyeThe retina of our eyes has two different types of sensory cells or receptors, the cones (for day vision) and the rods (for night vision). " More info Non-visible infrared radiation is transmitted into the visible area transformed. Light particles (photons) entering through the lens are then converted into electrons within the picture tube and above all amplified. These then meet in the vacuum tube with a Phosphor layer (screen) and are used for the visible to the human eye made - kind of like the tube television of the past.
Depending on the type of phosphorus layer, a greenish, yellowish up to the natural High end black and white imagewhich then becomes visible to the observer's eye through the eyepiece.
DDoptics night vision devices are therefore based on very powerful and high-resolution components. The DDoptics Commercial Grade devices are equipped with the key performance parameters, resolution and noise behaviour, comparable with Gen.3+ from current production or even surpass them.
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