The guide to registering a firearm in the central firearms register in Austria
Source: BM.I - Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria. Directive as pdf for printing and download
The easiest way is to sign up and register online for FREE:
1st registration Mobile phone or citizen card HERE - afterwards -
2. registration Central Weapons Register HERE - with - HELP to the login
What is the Central Weapons Register?
Directive 2008/51/EC of the European Parliament and the Council from 21 May 2008 obliges Austria to introduce of a computerised weapons register, in which all firearms must be registered. These requirements are met by the newly established Central Weapons Register (ZWR).
The live operation of the CWR and thus the registration of firearms of all categories in the CWR will begin on 1 October 2012. Category C in the ZWR - registration of old stock - starts on 1 October 2012 and ends on 30 June 2014.
What categories of firearms are there?
Category A: prohibited firearms (e.g. pump-action shotgun) and war material
Category B: Handguns (revolvers, pistols), semi-automatic firearms and repeating shotguns
- Self-loading shotgun
- Repeating shotguns
Category C: Cans (are rifles with at least one rifled barrel. They must be reloaded manually after each shot).
- Tilting barrel rifle
- Fore-endBolt action rifle
- Centre-stock repeating rifle
- Underlever repeating rifle
- Double rifle: different arrangements
- Rifle shotgun: various arrangements
- Drilling: various arrangements
- Quadruplet: various arrangements
- Pin firebox (Lefaucheux)
Category D: Shotguns (These are rifles with exclusively smooth barrels. They must be reloaded manually after each shot).
Deviating from this are Muzzle-loading shotgun = Cat. A and repeating shotgun = Cat. B
- Shotgun (single barrel) Shotgun (double)
- Shotgun (buck)
- Shotgun (triplet)
If it is unclear which category a specific firearm falls into, please contact a specialised firearms dealer.
How is the old stock of firearms owned before 1 October 2012 registered?
The type of registration of the old stock depends on the category of the firearm:
Category A: becomes automatic from the firearms authority registered
Category B: becomes automatic from the firearms authority registered
Category C: Registration of old stock required (Deadline: 1 October 2012 to 30 June 2014)
Category D: Registration of the old stock can Voluntary at any time take place
How exactly is a category C firearm from the old stock registered?
The firearm of cat. C firearm must be registered with an authorised firearms dealer. This dealer will be identified and labelled as the registration office. The easiest and quickest way to register is to take a registration form filled out with the firearm data (this is available at the specialised firearms dealer) or the previous confirmation of registration in accordance with § 30 WaffG to the specialised firearms dealer.
The Firearm does not have to be brought along for registration can be. However, if the category of the firearm, the manufacturer/brand, the model or the manufacturing number are unclear, it is advisable to take the firearm to a specialised gun dealer. The specialised gun dealer will enter the personal details of the citizen and the details of the firearm in the ZWR. Please do not forget to take an official photo ID with you.
Does a reason have to be given when registering a category C firearm from the old stock?
The firearm is usually taken from one of the following reasons possessed:
Hunting, shooting, collecting, keeping ready for self-defence, or acquisition of the weapon in the Inheritance path.
One or several of these reasons must be stated on registration. Another reason may also be stated (e.g. memento); however, it is sufficient if the previous ownership is stated as the reason. The justification is noted in the AEO in the citizen's data record.
What proof of registration do I receive?
The specialist firearms dealer will issue a confirmation of registration.
Are there any costs involved in registering the old stock?
The specialised firearms dealer is entitled to an appropriate fee for the registration.
Is there any other way to have my category C firearm recalled?
The recapture of firearms of cat. C firearms is also possible "online". The prerequisite is possession of a so-called citizen card. The registration can be accessed via the link In the case of the online registration, the registration confirmation is printed out by the citizen himself.
When is a Cat. D firearm from the old stock be registered?
As soon as a change of ownership (e.g. sale) takes place after 1 October 2012, the purchaser is subject to the (normal) registration obligation.
FAQ (frequently asked questions and answers)
Do I have to register the Cat. C firearm in my possession?
Yes, by 30 June 2014 at the latest.
Can I also register the category D firearm currently in my possession?
It can be registered at any time. Otherwise, it only needs to be registered when there is a change of ownership.
Which firearms must be registered with a firearms dealer from 1 October 2012?
Newly acquired firearms in category C and category D must be Purchaser of such a firearm within 6 weeks to be registered with a specialised gun dealer.
Do I have to register my category C firearm that was already registered with a firearms dealer before 1 October 2012?
Yes, the decentralised reports recorded by the specialist firearms dealer cannot be transferred to the Central Firearms Register (ZWR) and must therefore be registered with the specialist firearms dealer.
I have an interchangeable barrel for my category C or D firearm. How do I register it?
The interchangeable barrel is treated as a complete firearm and is also registered by the firearms dealer.
Do I also have to register my air pistol (up to calibre 6 mm) or my air rifle (up to calibre 6 mm)?
If I resell my already registered firearm of category C and D, does it make sense to give the buyer a copy of my registration confirmation?
Yes, because the firearms dealer can find the firearm more quickly in the ZWR with a copy of the registration confirmation. This makes registration (and therefore the transfer from the seller to the buyer) easier.
Where can I find the manufacturing number on my rifle/shotgun?
In the The manufacturing number is usually located on the barrel or on the housing. Sometimes a part (end number) of the manufacturing number is also located on the slide or, in the case of combined firearms, on the fore-end. In this case, there are not two numbers, but one manufacturing number (which is located on two parts of the firearm).
What is a "bombardment number"?
The The proof number is usually next to the state proof mark. This number can be recognised by the fact that there is a dot before the last two numbers (e.g. 3485.38). If there is no other number on the firearm, this number without the special character "dot" (e.g. 348538) should be stated as the manufacturing number when registering.
Proof number must be entered as the number if no manufacturing number is available, but without the special character "dot
There is no manufacturing number or proof number on my firearm. How is the registration done?
The manufacturing number "0000" should be entered during registration.
Do I have to take my firearms to the firearms dealer when I register them?
As a rule, this is not necessary. If the category, manufacturer/brand or model is unclear or the manufacturer number is not clearly recognisable, you should bring your firearm to a specialist firearms dealer.
Do I personally have to register the category C and D firearm?
In principle, yes. However, you can also be represented, for example, for which a power of attorney and photo ID of the represented person is usually required. The representative (authorised representative) must also prove their identity with a photo ID.
My shotgun and my rifle are already registered in the European Firearms Pass. Do I still have to register them?
The entry already made in the European Firearms Pass does not replace registration with the firearms dealer.
I want to be forwarded directly to the correct online address with the mobile phone signature (e.g. gun registration). Register once with the mobile phone signature, then fill in everything and send it off, done. Without having to scan any documents or enter their numbers again.
That would indeed be a great thing. Above all, the fact that as a private individual you can only register weapons up to 1012 yourself and then have to go back to the gunsmith (although the system is in place) is absurd.