Fresh meat - almost nobody thinks about where it comes from any more
Very many people eat meat - many even in large quantities.
Through the Beautiful sideboards in the Supermarkets we often completely forgottenthat the Origin of each piece of meat at the living livestock which is bred to give us as food to be available. Nowadays, most animals come from Breeding farms and are used in partly large slaughterhouses - under partly high stress - killed.
We humans eat the meat and have nothing to do with it at all. But there would be another way. You could hunt, shoot and dismantle it yourself, before you eat it.
The self-awareness DOKU: Kill it - Cook it - Eat it
Hence the question to you: Could you kill your own food? Hunt it, shoot it and cut it up before you eat it?
In this interesting Documentary from Scotland (with translation) experience 9 ordinary peoplewhat it is like to complete route of meat procurement (red deer) - before they eat what they have killed themselves.
Among the Candidates (all without hunting experience) are located Vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists, meat lovers, former vegetarians, etc.
Observe for yourself how the test candidates fare and empathise with them. One perhaps interesting question is: "To what extent would you be itself in the Position, an animal to killit to disassemble and prepare it yourself?"