Expert panel: Lead-free - progress or a step backwards?
Hardly any Specialised topic moves hunters and outfitters today more than Arguments in favour and against to the lead-free ammunition. Has this question of the future already been decided?
Discuss from Steyr in the expert round table in the historic armoury of the Steyr Mannlicher company:
- Weapons expert Jens Tigges: "We are already testing excellent lead-free bullets
- State Hunting Master Anton Larcher: Our nationwide study on lead-free is underway
- State Hunting Master Ernst AlbrichHunting communication must change
- Katharina Sturzeis: "Lead ammunition is no longer responsible"
- Max Mayr-Melnhof: Ammunition manufacturers have put dubious lead-free products into circulation
- Robert Siegert: Many customers suspect pure profiteering
- and Martin Fehringer: We need more information for hunters and more initiatives from the industry.
Film duration: 115 minutes
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