Test report DDoptics Nighteagle 2.5-15×50 - Big zoom - small price
Author: Roland Zeitler
With variable scopes Central European production was a fourfold zoom factor for decades commonplace.
Then Swarovski, in particular, waited with its Z 6 tip optics with a six-fold zoom factor on. This extends the magnification range, especially upwards: for greater detail recognisability, more precise target acquisition and easier aiming point relocation. Luxury brands charge a good €2000 and more for such glasses.
At the unbeatable price of 999 euros is now being offered by the Saxon company DDoptics also a scope with 6x zoom. For use on hunting grounds, a DDoptics Nighteagle 2.5-15×50 to a Sour 202 mounted. In terms of its optical formula Universal riflescope, the DDoptics convinces when stalking and sitting game.
For the driven hunt it would not be a first choice: The Field of visionThe size of the field of view indicates the width of the terrain that can be observed through the binoculars at a distance of 1000 metres. " More info (13.5 - 2.3m/ 100m) is too narrow for the fleeting shot even in the lower range.
The DDoptics has a one-piece, scratch-resistant Hard anodised aluminium tube. Nitrogen-filled, it remained tight in a water bath (50cm deep) lasting several hours.
The fine Grooved magnification changer requires only half a turn from 2.5x to 15x. It runs somewhat sluggishly, but smoothly and evenly. At a test temperature of - 20° C, however, it could hardly be moved.
The Dioptre adjustment has a steep threadit is resistance-free even at low temperatures. Pleasing the Large dioptre adjustment range of ± 3 dioptres. The minus range is particularly important in low light and at short distances. The Interpupillary distanceThe interpupillary distance is the optimum distance between the eyepiece lens and the pupil of the eye. " More info of just over nine centimetres proved to be very comfortable. The EyepieceThe eyepiece is the lens group of an optical system that faces the eye. The eyepieces consist of several separate lenses - achromats (3-6 individual lenses). " More info was defused using a rubber ring.
Recurrence-accurate reticle
A test showed that the reticle adjustment is very repeatable. The scale can be zeroed. On the centre tube there is still a well-functioning Parallax compensationIf a shooter does not look "straight" but "diagonally" through the telescopic sight eyepiece, an aiming error occurs - the so-called parallax. " More info (this prevents misalignment of the point of impact in the event of misalignment).
The light unit sits on the eyepiece tube, where it does interfere somewhat when changing magnification. The Light pointThe choice of reticle and the associated mode of operation of the illuminated dot is of decisive importance when purchasing. " More info for day and NightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info can be adjusted smoothly in eleven roughly subdivided light levels. However, after switching off, the light intensity must always be readjusted manually. There are no intermediate stages or an "intermediate switch-off", nor is there an electronically controlled switch-off. Switching on and off causes a quiet click, but who not was disruptive to hunting.
The crosshairs of reticle "4" are continuous. The illuminated dot only appears in the centre of the reticle when the illuminated reticle is switched on. The light intensity can be dimmed finely enough to minimise residual light. The red illuminated dot is easily recognisable even in bright sunshine and snow.
The ReticleDifferent reticles for riflescopes. DDoptics uses the following 3 reticles for its riflescopes, depending on the target optics: " More info 4 lies in the 2nd image planeThe reticle in the 2nd focal plane does not simply magnify when looking through the optical sight. " More info and does not increase with. It is suitable for low MagnificationThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info also perfectly perceptible in difficult light. At 15x, the thread covers just 7 mm/100 m. A deviation of 1 cm/100 m was determined on the collimator of the test lens over the entire magnification range. A value that is negligible in hunting practice. A knock test and a 20-shot load with the .340 Wby. Mag. could not impress the mechanics.
Amazing transmission
The Fully coated optics yielded a high Light transmissionLight transmission is the ability of optical glass or optical systems to "let through" as many light rays as possible. " More info of 92.8 and 90.8 per cent respectively (day/night). The proportion of false light was extremely low at 0.5 and 2.9 per cent (at 2.5x and 15x respectively). Even with backlighting, no reflections could be detected in the image.
The resolution was good, but the picture offered was sharp with good Edge sharpnessFor technical reasons, image sharpness decreases from the centre of the image to the edge with every lens (due to the shape of the lens). " More info.
However, despite the high light transmission, there are natural limits to recognising details in low light and difficult lighting conditions.
Overall, the picture is bright and sharp and suitable for low light conditions, especially at night.
For the Kirr hunt five to seven times magnification proved to be ideal. This meant that difficult Light situations such as "sows in front of thickets in the moonlight" can still be mastered well.
With the DDoptics Nighteagle 2.5 - 15 x 50 is a practical one, Versatile target lens at a favourable price. However, there is a perceptible, comprehensible difference in comfort (light unit) and image brilliance/quality compared to the top optics of the market leaders. DifferenceDifference and comparison between Porro prisms and roof prisms The design of binoculars is always determined by the type of prism used. Porro prism in binoculars Binoculars with a porro prism design can be recognised by their relatively low height and wide design. Advantage: The greater distance between the two lenses promotes spatial vision. A graphic illustration and further details on the design of porro prisms can be found here! Roof prism with " More info.
On the other hand, the DDoptics 2.5 - 15 x 50 only costs 869 euros - an excellent price-performance ratio.-relationship. Roland Zeitler