Straight to the new Alpenwild projectThe best that our alpine nature gives us as food. Enjoyment from the marvellous mountain regions of Vorarlberg - Tyrol - Salzburg
"Nothing in the world is as powerful as an idea whose time has come" - Victor Hugo
Imagine the following? You are a A mountain infantryman or woman in the beautiful Alpine and mountain regions of Vorarlberg, Salzburg or Tyrol. You are a responsible hunter and you do a really great and hard-working job.
In addition to many other tasks, your role in nature also includes the Fulfilment of the officially imposed shooting plan. The result of this final plan means that in the high-altitude Alpine region and in the mountain regions, the extraction of very high-quality, healthy Alpine venison (= game meat) from the Roe deer, Red deer, Chamois and occasionally even wild boar. You just have to imagine how many types of herbs are on the menu of our wild animals living in the mountains. So we are talking about top quality here.
Extract of game products in the
Subsequently, some Alpine hunters themselves, or those who are game specialities produced by friendly butchers and enjoyed by themselves or sold regionally.
However, a large proportion of venison ends up together with large quantities of foreign game (e.g. New Zealand, etc.) or creel game from shooting sales or hunting trips with game dealers or recyclers and disappears into the "great mass", so to speak.
The new building of the game processing company Wetter Wild GmbH, Pettneu am Arlberg, Tyrol, now makes it possible for the first time to buy game products that have been processed up to traceable to the hunting ground are.
The Requirements for hunting areas and hunters to apply as game suppliers are:
- Alps game only from Tyrol, Salzburg and Vorarlberg and only from Altitudes between 1000 m and 2500 m; especially from the nature park Lechtal or high mountain valleys such as the Kaunertal or the Stansertal
- Lead-free shooting is favoured and must be the future
- No venison from game living in creels (fenced game)
- The shot game animals must be in the cold store within 1 hour
- Complete traceability down to the individual hunting ground
- Meat without the stress of slaughter
Thanks to the reach of the modern Internet with all its possibilities and with this NEW online shops it is now possible to use our High-end game enjoyment - in the household to the game lovers.
Buying venison sausage, venison bacon and dried meat from local game in the shop - we find this approach interesting.
Many of us are increasingly striving for transparent food quality. What are your expectations?
The local game products come to 100% from selected Alpine regions in Tyrol, Salzburg and Vorarlberg.