Usual products with quill quilting

To the traditional products that are decorated in this way belong to the Belly strapthe Satchelwhich Traditional costume belt and various Bags.

Starting products for the satchels are Cowhide and peacock feathers. Thousands of peacock feathers are used in the embroideries every year. The peacock feathers are first removed from the keel, then the 50 to 60 centimetre long Keels with one Knife split. Depending on the skill, you will get 6-8 fine keels.

Advantages of quills

The Quills are very elastic and break in contrast to the plastic embroidery material used today for cheap copies not. Plastic is of course cheaper, but the Plastic embroidery also look different!

In addition to traditional belts Braces, Bell strap, Purses, Photo albums, Key fob and shoes.