Video - Interesting documentary - Long range shooting at 1,000m distance
Hunting and Nature TV is the first German-language channel for hunters, fishermen and nature lovers.
It was an event in a class of its own. Hunting experts from all over Europe were transported by helicopter to the Seetaler Alpe military training area in Styria to gain unique experiences in the heart of the Alps.
"How do professionals shoot at long distances?" Ballistics experts, special instructors from the German Armed Forces with GSG9 experience, the latest optics products, optimally matched ammunition and precision rifles for hunting and authorities were brought in to ensure that the The art of the long shot in the basics to convey.
MilDot reticle as aiming aid for further shots
At video time 12:12 the MilDotDifferent reticles for riflescopes. DDoptics uses the following 3 reticles for its riflescopes, depending on the target optics: " More info Explained in a little more detail as a simple means for better hitting at longer distances (or even in windy conditions).

The conclusion of the hunting experts was great respect for the distance.
To to hit a target reliably from 200 metres, complex calculations are required. and Only a flawless shooting technique gives the shooter a chance. Even at hunting distances, as the participants realised, only professional handling and experience make it possible to a really safe shot. "150 to 200 metres" was then the unanimous assessment for hunting accuracy.
The DDoptics riflescopes for long range shooting in the shop
Black November Sales 2022
DDoptics Nighteagle 5-30×50 Tactical riflescope | V6 | Duplex | MOA1 MOA (one minute of angle or minute of angle) is 1/60th of a degree of angle. " More info Adjustment - Gen 3