Clay pigeon shooting in the very best weather - almost 10,000 shots were fired
Already for the 10th time was organised by the Bregenz district group and the active Auer Jägerstammtisch in 2012. The best organised clay pigeon shoot in Auer in the renaturalised Quarry the Company Gebr. Rüf in the Auer "Holy Forest".
Video: Optik Sport Shop, music organised by Gamsel Duo:
The training day organised by Margot Boss-Deuring with the excellent instructor Dieter Jussel was very well received, with many an "aha" experience actually leading to a sense of achievement for most of the shooters.
The clay pigeon competition day
The Competition day mobilised almost 150 shooters from home and abroadto win the coveted glass Auer Ibex Trophy to win.
With the Award ceremony in the factory hall of Gebr. Not only were the glass trophies presented to the successful shooters, but also valuable prizes in kind, merchandise and game.
Main winner of the clay pigeon trophy
The lucky man no. 1 was probably the Auer Heinz Egender. He won at the Main prize draw a roebuck kill and additionally at the Anniversary wheel of fortune a stone goat launch.
The entire technical organisationas well as the well-functioning Catering support was organised by the active Members of the Auer Jägerstammtisch and its committed entrepreneur Hermann Rüf.