Empfehlung: Ideales Zielfernrohr für Sportschießen – speziell Training, Wettkampf und Long Range Schießen

Many manufacturers subdivide the various Scope lines basically into a Favourable and a premium class. This distinction was and is never made at DDoptics.

This means that a cheap Glass for the less affluent customer and the expensive for the financially strong customer. In a broader sense, this leads to Brand management perspective to a kind of "club compulsion" and many are saving up for a premium product and have to make sacrifices on other very important issues such as the Save on ZF assembly (a big mistake).

DDoptics logoWhat we really like about DDoptics:

  • Bei DDoptics geht in die Weiterentwicklung der einzelnen ZF Produkte mit Generationenerhöhung voran. Der Kunde erhält immer das beste ZF nach aktuellem Entwicklungsstand.
  • The best price/performance ratio is achieved through reasonable quantities and without expensive advertising in traditional media.

Result: Every customer receives a DDoptics quality riflescope with maximum features such as

  • Riflescopes are variable 4x zoom or 6x zoom
  • Reticle in the 2nd image plane
  • Highest possible Remuneration and light transmissions above 95%
  • Parallax adjustment is standard
  • Light point is standard
  • From Gen 3 - Zerostop for ASV

Was macht generell ein gutes Zielfernrohr für den Schießsport aus?

  • The telescopic sight Lenses:
    - The quality of the Remuneration (=anti-reflective coating) and the lenses
    - The Light transmission (=brightness in the field of view) between 95 and 97%
    - The Edge sharpness (=image at the edge of the field of view)
    - The option to adjust the sharpness of the lenses (Parallax adjustment)
  • The riflescope reticle:
    - With and without lighting (helps with Twilight)
  • The scope adjustment:
    - Left-right and height adjustment not too rough
    - Repeatability must be guaranteed
    - Robustness against shocks and shots
    - Quick and easy

Das ideale Zielfernrohr für das sportliche Schießen

Bei dieser Kategorie geht es vor allem um den use of the telescopic sight and the price relationship to the rifle. Es wird vermutlich keinen Sinn machen, auf eine KK Gewehr (22lr) um 300€ eine 1000€ Zieloptik zu montieren.

Bei hochpräzisen Langwaffen im Präsisionskaliber 338 Lapua oder 308 Win when wide Shots up to e.g. 1000 m gefordert sind sieht die Sache ein wenig anders aus. Hier wird dann eine 5-30 variable Enlargement eher passend sein. Für das dynamische IPSC Schießen wird eine Zieloptik mit 25 oder 42 mm Lens und grossem Field of vision zur raschen Zielerfassung das beste sein.

Beim sportlichen Schießen entscheiden die sportliche Disziplin über die richtige Zieloptik.

ZF Comparison and suitability according to Lens diameter

Luminous intensity Objektiv Durchmesser Utilisation
low 25 mm ZF for driven hunts
Medium to high 42 mm, 50 mm All-round ZF Ideal until (late) dusk, stalking, mountain hunting
Very high 56 mm, 60 mm Heavier night glasses for hide hunting

ZV comparison and suitability after enlargement

Enlargement: small
1-6x Ideal for stalking and driven hunts - shots at short distances
Magnification medium
 up to 15x Ideal for many hunting applications such as hide hunting, stalking and mountain hunting
Magnification high
 up to 30x  Riflescope for sports and long-range shots in the mountains, use as a replacement for a spotting scope