Very good and affordable. The lightweight and compact DDoptics Lux-HR 8×25 ED "Pocket" binoculars
The new Lux-HR 8×25 "Pocket" ED binoculars are high-quality binoculars that fit in any jacket pocket.
The DDoptics Lux-HR "Pocket" ED comes Thanks to stable and lightweight magnesium housing to a weight of less than 300 grams.
With this Mini binoculars Despite its small dimensions, you get a bright and clear image with excellent resolution. Also in the TwilightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info it can still be used well - of course not as long as with binoculars with 42 mm LensWhen we talk about the objective lens of binoculars, we mean the front lens. The front lens is the foremost lens of the objective. " More info. The Lux-HR 8×25 "Pocket" ED combines light and Compact design with brilliant optical "viewing pleasure".
Important detail: The EyecupsFor spectacle wearers, all DDoptics binoculars are equipped with retractable eyecups. This makes observation easier and enlarges the field of vision. " More info are also made of metal and covered with rubber.
Special features Pocket binoculars
⇒ 30 years DDoptics warranty
⇒ 114 m Field of visionThe size of the field of view indicates the width of the terrain that can be observed through the binoculars at a distance of 1000 metres. " More info
⇒ ED GlassED glass effectively compensates for chromatic aberration (chromatic aberration = different coloured parts of a light beam are refracted to different degrees - can be clearly seen as a colour fringe along edges) " More info - Full apochromat
⇒ CT glass & barium Crown glassThe different types of DDoptics binoculars Binoculars can be divided into two main types according to their basic construction: Construction with roof prism (different types of construction) or with Porro prism. Both designs have their unique advantages and disadvantages. In principle, Porro and roof prism binoculars can offer the same performance depending on the type of glass (BAK 4, crown glass, etc.), the amount of coating required and the manufacturing quality. The details decide whether they are good binoculars or not. " More info PrismsLenses have the property of imaging objects upside down and laterally inverted - therefore the image must be rotated again. " More info
⇒ Phase-coated / dielectric Schmidt-Pechan prism
⇒ Field flattener lenses
⇒ Robust magnesium housing
⇒ Water pressure-tightWith a watertight lens, a clean and dry gas filling in the form of an argon or nitrogen filling creates an "internal climate" that prevents fogging. " More info
⇒ Microbridge
⇒ optimised DDlucid-FMC RemunerationIf light hits a glass-air surface (e.g. with a roof prism), the reflection causes a loss of light. " More info
⇒ Lightweight - under 300g
Installation of high-quality optical components in the 8×25 binoculars
As with all DDoptics Lux-HR binoculars, the PocketPocket binoculars, often referred to as mini binoculars or pocket binoculars, are usually binoculars of the smallest design. " More info the Field flattener lenses built in. This is an absolute speciality for binoculars in this price segment.
Field flattener lenses are Special additional lenses within a Lens pack. These equal the Image field curvatureThe image produced by a lens objective has a spherical error by nature. This error can be corrected using appropriate optical elements. " More infowhich are caused by the lens radius, and thus create an almost flat image.
Advantage: Lines and edges which are Lens curvature are naturally bent, are again shown straight. An advantage if you want to take a photo through the binoculars.
The field flattener lenses also have a further improved DDlucid coating, a further development of the ELR (Extra Low Reflection) coating. DDlucid from DDoptics is currently one of the most effective binocular coatings. Exclusively Premium binoculars currently have similarly sophisticated RemunerationWith the help of a simple coating, this loss of light transmission (transmission loss) is reduced to 1.5%, for example. This already increases the amount of light that reaches your eyes to around 80%. " More info. The Schmidt-Pechan Roof prismThe main difference between the roof edge and the Porro system is the roof edge, where one of the reflective surfaces resembles a house roof (see picture below). " More info is of course phase-coated. All this guarantees fatigue-free and long viewing.
In combination with the dielectric mirror, the Phase correction layer for very high Colour saturation and Image contrast. An ED full appochromat reduces colour fringing in backlighting and guarantees clean contours.
Optimum grip for fatigue-free vision with 8x magnification
The special Rubber armouringAdditional protection of the binoculars in harsh conditions is achieved by applying a hard-wearing rubber armouring to the binoculars housing. " More info with Soft touch layer and specially roughened surface guarantees optimum grip and slip resistance in every situation. There is an ergonomically shaped recess on the bridge for comfortable finger support. Thanks to its slim and compact design, the GlassIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info great in the hand (even in just one hand).
The adjustable eyecups are made of a high-strength metal alloy. The Rubber coating the Eyecups additionally protects the eyepieces from damage during tough use in the field. Naturally, the Lux-HR pocket binoculars are also completely waterproof and protected against internal fogging.
Recommendation: The Binoculars is not only ideal for Travellingbut is also suitable for hiking or events with distances (e.g. open-air stage).
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