High End Fernglas DDoptics EDX 8×42 – Erstaunliches Leichtgewicht mit hellsten Bildern
Unbelievable - a real Fernglas Highlight für OrnithologistsA good birdwatching telescope rewards you with excellent image brilliance and colour fidelity! " More info, alpinists, hikers and hunters under € 1,000
Brightest Brilliance in colour reproduction, Highest resolution and great contrast connected with extremely wide Field of visionThe size of the field of view indicates the width of the terrain that can be observed through the binoculars at a distance of 1000 metres. " More info teach the premium competition the hard way.
Our opinion: The Glass is an incredible image madness - and - in the All in all, binoculars with a price-performance ratio that is currently hard to beat.
The EDX 8×42 offers its owners maximum optical performance, high quality, ergonomics and robustness - and that with lowest weight. The resolution is top class.
A so-called Appochromatischen Korrektur (APO) verhindert beim EDX 8×42 zuverlässig Farbsäume an Hell-Dunkel Übergängen. The 5,25mm Exit pupilIn addition to the twilight number, the binocular exit pupil at the eyepiece of the binoculars is also very important for seeing in twilight (twilight vision). " More info is for the Use for TwilightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info ideal. Für weitere Naturbeobachtungen werden von Jägern gerne EDX Ferngläser mit 10x MagnificationThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info favoured.
Special features Binoculars
⇒ 30 years DDoptics warranty
⇒ DDlucid RemunerationIf light hits a glass-air surface (e.g. with a roof prism), the reflection causes a loss of light. " More info
⇒ Empfehlung für die Nachtjagd
⇒ Empfehlung für die Pirsch
⇒ Empfehlung für Landschaftsbeobachtung
⇒ Sharp from 1.4m
⇒ Sehr großes Sehfeld
⇒ WaterproofWith a watertight lens, a clean and dry gas filling in the form of an argon or nitrogen filling creates an "internal climate" that prevents fogging. " More info and fog-free
ED Glas: Brillante Bilddarstellung und scharfe Auflösung beim EDX 8×42 Fernglas
The well-tried Roof prismsThe main difference between the roof edge and the Porro system is the roof edge, where one of the reflective surfaces resembles a house roof (see picture below). " More info System (Schmidt Pechan) in combination with completely newly developed Glass typesIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info harmonisiert die Abbildung und bringt dem Betrachter absolute Bilderlebnisse. Der für das EDX 8×42 neu entwickelte Phasenkorrekturbelag PHC140 unterbindet 99 Prozent aller unerwünschten wellenoptischen Effekte.
The result is perfectly coordinated, brilliant colours.
Innovative Vergütung garantiert messerscharfe Konturen beim DDoptics 8×42 Fernglas
An additional guarantee for this is the Special coating DDlucid. The both roof surfaces of the Schmidt-Pechan roof prism were equipped with it. This coating, which originates from the Japanese photographic industry, is a further development of the well-known and tried-and-tested ELR (Extra Low Reflection) coating. DDlucid is therefore one of the most effective binoculars RemunerationWith the help of a simple coating, this loss of light transmission (transmission loss) is reduced to 1.5%, for example. This already increases the amount of light that reaches your eyes to around 80%. " More info and exclusively reserved for premium binoculars.
Small, light and reliable - a companion for life
Especially when used in the mountains High demands on robustness and lightness gestellt. Alles einfach für das EDX 8×42. Das Glas ist dank Materialien wie Magnesium Aluminium und Polykarbonat extrem stoßfest, absolut waterproof and anti-fog. The handy Rubber armouringAdditional protection of the binoculars in harsh conditions is achieved by applying a hard-wearing rubber armouring to the binoculars housing. " More info made of natural rubber ensures high grip and slip resistance.
With only 1.5 turns, the entire focussing range can be set. This guarantees the fastest capture of details.
For spectacle wearers - full field of vision
The Dioptrienausgleich für Spectacle wearerLooking through binoculars with glasses reduces the field of view by 50-60%. An eyepiece with dioptre compensation offers a remedy for short-sightedness or long-sightedness. " More info is located on the right EyepieceThe eyepiece is the lens group of an optical system that faces the eye. The eyepieces consist of several separate lenses - achromats (3-6 individual lenses). " More info. The 4 grid positions can be firmly fixed. Unintentional adjustment is impossible.
Einsatzempfehlung DDoptics EDX 8×42
Consistent sharpness right to the edge of the picture and the large Sehfeld von 126 m bieten Outdoorfans, Wanderern, Ornithologen und Gebirgsjägern Bilderlebnisse auf höchstem Niveau.
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