The EDX binoculars 7×42 - light and bright all-round binoculars into the night
The binoculars for High demands at the Observation of animals and birds - even when it gets dark.
Through the High resolution and the extremely wide Field of visionThe size of the field of view indicates the width of the terrain that can be observed through the binoculars at a distance of 1000 metres. " More info of 128m with sharpness right up to the edge, the details are also in the TwilightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info clearly recognisable.
DDoptics EDX 7×42 binoculars - Featherweight and robust
Hunters get their money's worth with the EDX 7×42. The large Exit pupilIn addition to the twilight number, the binocular exit pupil at the eyepiece of the binoculars is also very important for seeing in twilight (twilight vision). " More info of 6mm ensures fatigue-free observation into the night.
Special features Binoculars
⇒ 30 years DDoptics warranty
⇒ DDlucid RemunerationIf light hits a glass-air surface (e.g. with a roof prism), the reflection causes a loss of light. " More info
⇒ Recommendation for the Night hunting
⇒ Recommendation for the Stalk
⇒ Recommendation for landscape observation
⇒ Sharp from 1.4m
⇒ Very Large field of view of 128 m
⇒ WaterproofWith a watertight lens, a clean and dry gas filling in the form of an argon or nitrogen filling creates an "internal climate" that prevents fogging. " More info and fog-free
The Lightweight construction - robust materials such as magnesium aluminium and polycarbonates are used - enables a Weight of only 725 g - a top value for binoculars of this quality class.
The GThe armouring consists of natural rubber and thus guarantees not only a long service life, but also significantly higher Grip and slip resistance when used on the hunting ground. An indestructible metal alloy optimally protects the eyepieces.
Convenient handling with 7×42 binoculars
The EDX 7×42 is only 148 mm long. With 1.5 revolutions on the focussing wheel, the entire focus range to adjust. He is supported in this by the open bridgewhich begins immediately behind the central shoot.
This allows the DDoptics EDX 7×42 must be gripped firmly with both hands - even when wearing gloves.
The sight for the Focusing is located on the right-hand side EyepieceThe eyepiece is the lens group of an optical system that faces the eye. The eyepieces consist of several separate lenses - achromats (3-6 individual lenses). " More info. Spectacle wearerLooking through binoculars with glasses reduces the field of view by 50-60%. An eyepiece with dioptre compensation offers a remedy for short-sightedness or long-sightedness. " More info the Eyepieces comfortable in Four grid positions in such a way that a perfect Interpupillary distanceThe interpupillary distance is the optimum distance between the eyepiece lens and the pupil of the eye. " More info is achieved and a loss of the wide field of view (128 m) is avoided.
7×42 binoculars with top optics - brilliant image display and sharp resolution
The data for this Binoculars used Glass typesIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info have been completely redeveloped. The EDX 7×42 is based on the tried and tested Roof prismsThe main difference between the roof edge and the Porro system is the roof edge, where one of the reflective surfaces resembles a house roof (see picture below). " More info System (Schmidt Pechan). In order to avoid colour fringing for a particularly Brilliant colour reproductionthe binoculars are equipped with an apochromatic correction (APO).
This innovative ED GlassED glass effectively compensates for chromatic aberration (chromatic aberration = different coloured parts of a light beam are refracted to different degrees - can be clearly seen as a colour fringe along edges) " More info (extra low dispersion) reduces colour fringing even better than previously used ED lenses. The Advantage the user has with perfectly coordinated and brilliant colours.
The new Developed phase correction coating PHC140 eliminates 99 per cent of all undesirable wave-optical effects and prevents thus also the smallest blurs.
Innovative binocular coating guarantees razor-sharp contours
DDlucid is one of the most effective binoculars RemunerationWith the help of a simple coating, this loss of light transmission (transmission loss) is reduced to 1.5%, for example. This already increases the amount of light that reaches your eyes to around 80%. " More info. This coating, which originates from the Japanese photographic industry, is a further development of the well-known and tried-and-tested ELR (Extra Low Reflection) coating. At present, only Premium binoculars similarly sophisticated remuneration systems.
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