Der kleine Bruder der SHG-FernglÀser kommt mit allerlei toller Eigenschaften daher.
A look through the NEUEN HDS FernglÀser simply gives you final certainty:
BRILLIANTES Seherlebnis, EXCELLENTE QualitÀt, EXTREME Bildauflösung ! Fast zu scharf um wahr zu sein!
HDS 8×42 Fernglas – höchste Auflösung der Fernglas Optik
Auch das kleinere HDs-Fernglas (s steht fĂŒr small) von DDoptics verbindet eine extrem hohe Bildauflösung mit DetailschĂ€rfe bis in den Randbereich des Sehffeldes.
Chromatische Aberrationen werden durch die Verwendung aufwendiger Verfahren und hochwertigster Materialien nahezu vollstĂ€ndig unterdrĂŒckt.
HDS 8×42 Fernglas Lichttransmission
Die HDs-FernglĂ€ser bieten eine sehr gute Lichttransmission bis 90% sowie eine in dieser Preisklasse nicht ĂŒbliche Seherfahrung aus Colour brilliance, contrast and brightness.
Verbaut wurde auch hier das neu entwickelte FLK-Glasmaterial aus Japan.
Die Verspiegelung der Prismen mit einem Dielektrikum sowie eine ebenfalls neu entwickelte VergĂŒtung sorgen fĂŒr leuchtende Farben und wenig Verluste.
GroĂes Sehfeld beim DDoptics HDS Fernglas
Even the large Sehfelder der HDS-FernglĂ€ser sind SEHR GUT. Rund 122,5 m beim HDS 8Ă42 begeistern insbesondere durch die Sharpness of detail to the very edge.
DDoptics HDS Fernglas Facts

â Good price-performance ratio

â Small, light and compact

Lotus effect through nano coating

â 122,5 m Sehfeld

FFMC remuneration

â Dioptrinverstellung, rutschfestes Fokussierrad
Gleich wie bei den SHG FernglĂ€sern lĂ€sst die neu entwickelte Reinforcement die HDS -Reihe nahezu an den HĂ€nden âklebenâ, sodass ein Rutschen oder aus der Hand gleiten auch bei Regen nahezu unmöglich ist.
Wasserdichtes HDS Fernglas: Beschlagfrei und Scharfstellung ab 2,5 m
Bei dem Dioptrienausgleich handelt es sich um eine echte Innenfokussierung. Der Diopter ist fest einstellbar.
This works even in the heaviest rain, which is no danger to the binoculars. One Nitrogen filling sorgt dafĂŒr, dass der HDS 8Ă42 vollstĂ€ndig wasserdicht und beschlagfrei ist.

Die DDoptics HDS Fernglas Innovation – neu entwickeltes FLK-Glasmaterial
- Die DDoptics HDS FernglÀser bieten höchste Lichttransmission bis 90%
- HDS FernglÀser bieten eine herrlich beeindruckende Seherfahrung aus Colour brilliance, contrast and brightness.
- The Dioptre compensation (+/- 3) for focusing is practically accessible on the centre shoot.
- A look through the NEUEN HDS FernglÀser simply gives you final certainty:
BRILLIANTES Seherlebnis, EXCELLENTE QualitÀt, EXTREME Bildauflösung !
The DDoptics team consists of ingenious innovators who will also light your fire!
The DDoptics Optische GerÀte & Feinwerktechnik KGfounded in 2007, specialises in the development and sale of optoelectronic devices and instruments.
The product portfolio includes Binoculars, spotting scopes, riflescopes and night vision devices for professional use.
Innovative developments and top quality at an unrivalled price-performance ratio are winning over more and more customers Nature lover, hunter, Ornithologists and outdoor freaks.
High-quality binoculars make observing nature the ultimate viewing experience. Spending time outdoors and experiencing many things is also a form of enjoyment.
DDoptics HDS 8×42 Auflösung
How sharp is the image? We define in 10 levels from 0 (blurred) to 10 (extreme).
DDoptics HDS Lichttransmission
How high is the light output? We define in 10 levels from 0 (weak) to 10 (mega)
DDoptics HDS Fernglas SpaĂfaktor
How much fun are binoculars? We define the fun factor from 1 (rather bland) to 12 (super cool).
To read - Considerations for the purchase of binoculars
For More and more nature-loving people has decided to purchase a high quality binoculars good reasons:
- Binoculars allowed much deeper observations - especially details. Some objects are decorated with binoculars than with the naked eye. Eye!
- Many people need binoculars for a special purpose. For example, the ornithologist for Birdwatching. The binoculars can also be used in many other ways (e.g. nature and landscape observation).
- For many, a great pair of binoculars becomes constant companion
In our opinion The following main criteria are important when selecting binoculars:
- Weight
- Binoculars Magnification
- Luminous intensity of the binoculars
- Field of vision
- Exit pupil
There is a lot of philosophising about these topics. But here in particular there are 2 opposing effects:
- In the In the mountains, the Alps or when hiking, a glass should be as small or light as possible - That's clear!
- But as soon as you reach your destination, you have a slight tremor in your arms (your muscles have just been used and your pulse is still high). Is that glass is heavier, it can be held more steady due to the inertia. The higher mass of the glass reacts more slowly to the transmitted vibrations.
The Coating or remuneration of a lens is complex and has very high influence on the optical quality of the optics and on the price.
Especially here the big differences between good and mediocre binoculars is visible - especially with Brightness, contrast and image brilliance.
A Lens resp. Prism consists of several Lenses whereby some Glass air transitions exist in binoculars. This leads to Stray light and light loss. Through Coatings light losses are reduced and the amount of light that reaches your eyes is increased.
In a multi-coated lens, the lenses are provided with several coating layers.
This multiple coating, also known as "multi-coating", is used to equip high-quality optics for brighter image reproduction and high-contrast images.
In addition to the optical properties, the mechanical properties of the coating are also important.
Non-stick coatings for binoculars
The Top models of the most Binoculars manufacturer have Water and dirt-repellent coatings on the outer Lens parts, whereby Water Beads off easily and cleaning is made easier in the event of soiling.
The binocular manufacturers have developed Nano-coatings own designations or patents such as:
- LotuTec at Zeiss
- Raindefender Nano Protection (RNP) at DDoptics
- AquaDura at Leica
- Swaroclean at Swarovski
- Nano-Protection with Steiner
Especially with the Cleaning the binoculars must paid attention to becometo avoid damaging the coating.
The Most hunters go on early morning, late afternoon or early evening on the hunt.
During this time, the Luminous intensity of your hunting glass, at first or last lightdecisive to still bright images on Eye to deliver.
The most common hunting binoculars for stalking and driven hunts have a Lens diameter around 42 mm, as the weight is still comfortable with these lens diameters
The ideal binocular magnification is in the range of 8-10x
Important: The The magnification factor has a negative effect on the light intensity of the hunting glass! For this reason, most hunters, Binoculars with 8x or 10x VergröĂerung bevorzugen.
As a rule, binoculars with magnifications up to 8x can be handled without any problems.
From a 10x Magnification of the binoculars is due to the higher optical magnification already a A steady hand is necessary because of the "blurring" of the image.
The magnification of binoculars also has an influence on the size of the Exit pupilwhich should also be taken into account when choosing your optics!
First of all - with Birdwatchers it's about details and the highest Image quality requirements.
The Requirements for binoculars for Birdwatching are normally higher than, for example, to a Travelling binoculars.
In order for an ornithologist to be able to enjoy the "right in the middle" feeling with binoculars, the highest standards of colour and image brilliance, contrast sharpness and detail accuracy must be met.
When a special bird sits in front of you in the wild, you want to see it in all its splendour.
For this reason, you need the ornithology a powerful pair of binoculars with high image brilliance and colour fidelity.
A good Binoculars for birdwatching enables colour and contrast-rich observation at close range, whereby the and the play of colours of the plumage can be perceived. can be realised.
The Magnification 8x and 10x is a good compromise and, as experience shows, the most common choice of most birdwatchers.
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