The use of aspherical lenses leads to a reduction in the overall length of the binoculars and in some cases to a significant reduction in weight.
The Interpupillary distanceThe interpupillary distance is the optimum distance between the eyepiece lens and the pupil of the eye. " More info bezeichnet den optimalen Abstand zwischen der Okularlinse und der Pupille des Auges.
Für das Sehen in der TwilightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info (Dämmerungssehen) von großer Bedeutung ist, neben der Twilight numberIn order to be able to recognise details over long distances even in twilight, binoculars with high magnification and corresponding twilight performance (e.g. 10x56 or 8x56) are recommended. " More info, auch die Fernglas Exit pupilIn addition to the twilight number, the binocular exit pupil at the eyepiece of the binoculars is also very important for seeing in twilight (twilight vision). " More info on EyepieceThe eyepiece is the lens group of an optical system that faces the eye. The eyepieces consist of several separate lenses - achromats (3-6 individual lenses). " More info of the binoculars.
1 MOA (one minute of angle or minute of angle) is 1/60th of a degree of angle.
Mit Hilfe einer bereits einfachen Beschichtung wird dieser Verlust an Light transmissionLight transmission is the ability of optical glass or optical systems to "let through" as many light rays as possible. " More info (Transmissionsverlust) auf beispielsweise 1,5% reduziert. Daurch wird bereits die Lichtmenge, die Ihre Augen erreicht, auf rund 80% erhöht.
The image produced by a lens objective has a spherical error by nature. This error can be corrected using appropriate optical elements.
Der wesentliche DifferenceDifference and comparison between Porro prisms and roof prisms The design of binoculars is always determined by the type of prism used. Porro prism in binoculars Binoculars with a porro prism design can be recognised by their relatively low height and wide design. Advantage: The greater distance between the two lenses promotes spatial vision. A graphic illustration and further details on the design of porro prisms can be found here! Roof prism with " More info vom Roof edgeThe main difference between the roof edge and the Porro system is the roof edge, where one of the reflective surfaces resembles a house roof (see picture below). " More info zum Porro-System ist die Dachkante, bei der eine der reflektierenden Oberflächen einem Hausdach (siehe Bild unten) ähnelt.
Um auch im Dämmerungslicht Details über große Entfernungen erkennen zu können, empfiehlt sich ein Fernglas mit hoher MagnificationThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info und entsprechender Twilight performanceIn order to be able to recognise details over long distances even in twilight, binoculars with high magnification and corresponding twilight performance (e.g. 10x56 or 8x56) are recommended. " More info (z.B. 10×56 oder 8×56).
At the ReticleDifferent reticles for riflescopes. DDoptics uses the following 3 reticles for its riflescopes, depending on the target optics: " More info in the 1st image planeWhen the reticle is in the 1st focal plane, the reticle simply enlarges with the magnification adjustment. " More info vergrößert sich das Absehen mit dem Vergrößerungsverstellung einfach mit.
The ReticleDifferent reticles for riflescopes. DDoptics uses the following 3 reticles for its riflescopes, depending on the target optics: " More info in der 2. Bildebene vergrößert sich bein Blick durch die Zieloptik nicht einfach mit.
Unfortunately, fine details such as the light unit are often skimped on. And this has far-reaching consequences! Not so with DDoptics.
The Dioptre correctionThe dioptre correction on the eyepiece is used to compensate for different visual acuities of the eyes. " More info am Okular dient dem Ausgleich von unterschiedlichen Sehstärken der Augen.