Nowadays, quality riflescopes are precision optics of the latest design.
You comprehensively fulfil the needs of hunters and Protectwhich place the highest demands on the performance of the optical sight.
There are Telescopic sights with more constant and variable MagnificationThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info. Aiming optics with variable magnification enable Various settings for extended intended use. Thanks to their variable magnification range, they offer a wide range of applications for competitions and all types of hunting with different light conditions.

Main criteria According to statements made by image quality for many customers, Edge sharpnessFor technical reasons, image sharpness decreases from the centre of the image to the edge with every lens (due to the shape of the lens). " More info, light intensity, followed by weight and magnification! Important for hunting are the solid workmanship, the High optical performance and absolute functional reliability, with the most adverse weather conditions. A Light pointThe choice of reticle and the associated mode of operation of the illuminated dot is of decisive importance when purchasing. " More info is the standard today but even here there are enormous differences.
First things first, For many, it is purely about the "Markenclubzwang" brand. If not something specific is written on the optics, it is not interesting. The reality created from a marketing perspective with all its advertising expenditure works.
Another group of shooters or hunters with several weapons or several interchangeable optics are pondering the enormous prices of the big 2-3 manufacturers and questioning the situation. One 2.5-15×50 with illuminated dot by € 2.575,- (DM 5.150,- or Schilling 35.432,-). Can that be it? Is that possible?
One another (perhaps more critical) group of hunters wants to know what the ZF can do for their application and takes a more neutral and brand-independent look at the whole thing. This group is right for DDoptics products.
Central topic: Light transmission in riflescopes - really important!
The Light transmissionLight transmission is the ability of optical glass or optical systems to "let through" as many light rays as possible. " More info is at the highest possible level of technology for all DDoptics riflescopes. DDoptics target optics for night hunting range from 92% light transmission at 450nm to 95.2% between 500 and 600nm.
The DDoptics brand covers with his programme all riflescope wishes for the Hunting or also for sport shooting such as long range, IPSC or benchrest disciplines. The Illuminated reticleDifferent reticles for riflescopes. DDoptics uses the following 3 reticles for its riflescopes, depending on the target optics: " More info with the DDoptics Glass fibreA state-of-the-art position and movement sensor registers every movement and the position of the optics. A controller interprets this data so that the illuminated dot is there when you need it. " More info The high-intensity illuminated dot is extremely impressive for many hunters. It does not outshine or reflect within the housing in any situation and is ultra-fine adjustable.