The firing strength of a target optic
Whether a target optic is bulletproof is one of the most important criteria when selecting an optic. Telescopic sight - especially for strong calibres.
Considerable forces act on the riflescope when the shot is fired. Riflescopes are described as bulletproofif they can withstand these forces without causing damage to the housing, the mechanics or the ReticleDifferent reticles for riflescopes. DDoptics uses the following 3 reticles for its riflescopes, depending on the target optics: " More info any changes.
With top quality optics such as those from DDoptics, the high standard means that the Shot resistanceWhether a target optic is bulletproof is one of the most important criteria when selecting a riflescope - especially for powerful calibres. " More info von Zielfoptiken guaranteed.
Just like this Just as important as the bullet resistance of riflescopes is the bullet resistance of mounts. For this reason, the Optik Sport Shop has decided to offer the shot-tested and proven high-quality SuhlerZF mounts - the most important connection between weapon and optics. Today, gun buyers have a wide range of scope mounts from various manufacturers at their disposal. " More info Hook-in mounts from Ziegler as an additional offer for its customers.
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NFX riflescopes - Wide-angle ZF
Nighteagle V8 2.5-20×56 NFX Supershort DDoptics riflescope | A4N | MRAD
DDMP V10 4-40×50 riflescope from DDoptics for sport shooting | 1/8 MOA1 MOA (one minute of angle or minute of angle) is 1/60th of a degree of angle. " More info | tac-A