The different types of DDoptics binoculars
Binoculars can be divided into two main types according to their basic construction:
Construction with Roof edgeThe main difference between the roof edge and the Porro system is the roof edge, where one of the reflective surfaces resembles a house roof (see picture below). " More info Prism (various construction forms) or with PorroBinoculars with porro prisms are the real universal binoculars, are inexpensive and offer brighter images with higher contrast. " More info PrismLenses have the property of imaging objects upside down and laterally inverted - therefore the image must be rotated again. " More info.

Both designs have their unique advantages and disadvantages. In principle, Porro and roof edge binoculars can be used for Glass typesIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info (BAK 4, crown glass, etc.), tempering costs and manufacturing quality offer the same performance.
The details decide whether it is a good pair of binoculars!
A mistake that is often made: It is hardly possible to calculate an average value for the overall assessment from various criteria.
The strengths of the individual binoculars are too different. Someone who is seriously considering buying a pair of high-quality, expensive binoculars costing around €1,000 will have to think about their specific needs and preferences to choose his ideal binoculars.
A tried and tested method is to determine the main purpose of use, such as binoculars for hunting, binoculars for BirdwatchingA good birdwatching telescope rewards you with excellent image brilliance and colour fidelity! " More infomarine binoculars, binoculars for astronomy or hiking and outdoor binoculars. Of course there is also a selection by EnlargementThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info or Lens diameterThe larger the lens diameter, the more light can be absorbed by the lens of the optical system. Glass purity plays a major role. " More info of the binoculars is possible.
Extract Binoculars in the DDoptics optics shop
42 mm lens
10x magnification
42 mm lens
10x magnification