Binoculars with adjustable Eyecups - Ideal for spectacle wearers
For Spectacle wearerLooking through binoculars with glasses reduces the field of view by 50-60%. An eyepiece with dioptre compensation offers a remedy for short-sightedness or long-sightedness. " More info all DDoptics binoculars are equipped with retractable eyecups. This facilitates observation and enlarges the field of view. To achieve the optimum Interpupillary distanceThe interpupillary distance is the optimum distance between the eyepiece lens and the pupil of the eye. " More info To ensure that you can enjoy your binoculars even when wearing glasses, we have equipped your binoculars with retractable eyecups. The eyecups are extended or retracted by simply turning them.
Extract Binoculars with adjustable eyecups for spectacle wearers in the DDoptics Shop
50 mm lens
10x magnification
30 mm lens
10x magnification
34 mm lens
42 mm lens
10x magnification