The DDoptics spotting scope 15-45×60 G with straight view
Discover with the new DDoptics Pirschler spotting scope 15-45×60 G (straight view) a Professional, lightweight and interestingly priced device for Twilight hunting, mountain hunting, stalking and hiking.
The somewhat more compact and shorter design of the 60 mm spotting scope with straight view is Ideally suited for mobile use and for higher observation objects. This spotting scope is also ideally suited to the requirements of classic hunting applications. The Version "G" straight view is particularly suitable for observing higher objects.
Special features spotting scope
⇒ Large focussing unit
⇒ WaterproofWith a watertight lens, a clean and dry gas filling in the form of an argon or nitrogen filling creates an "internal climate" that prevents fogging. " More info
⇒ large Field of visionThe size of the field of view indicates the width of the terrain that can be observed through the binoculars at a distance of 1000 metres. " More info
⇒ very high resolution
⇒ incredibly good picture for this price range
ELR - Multicoating (extra low reflection)- FMC coating
All Glass-air surfaces are multilayer hard-coated and thus guarantee maximum contrast, image sharpness and brightness. The colour brilliance of this spotting scope is outstanding, and the image brightness is also excellent. hardly any compromises compared to its "big brother". You experience guarantees a clear, high-contrast image, even in poor lighting conditions and in the TwilightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info. Even at 45 times MagnificationThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info your stalker delivers a razor-sharp image.
The spotting scope is Nitrogen-filled and waterproof. This is a guarantee against fogging in damp conditions and abrupt changes in temperature. The extremely lightweight tube for maximum robustness and mobility. The non-slip Rubber armouringAdditional protection of the binoculars in harsh conditions is achieved by applying a hard-wearing rubber armouring to the binoculars housing. " More info provides grip and a secure hold.
Focusing unit
The Focussing unit consists of a 4 cm adjustment wheelwhich can also be operated comfortably when wearing gloves. With the Pirschler 16-45×60 G, observations are possible from a distance of just 6 metres, which is a particular advantage when observing nests, insect watching or at the shooting range.
Recommendations for use All-round lens
Typical examples of applications include chamois on a mountainside or birds in a tree. The compact and lightweight 60 mm Pirschler spotting scopes can be Comfortable in a rucksack and can easily be taken to any desired location.
With the mobile use in the field and forest or on the mountain, the somewhat more compact version with a 60 mm LensWhen we talk about the objective lens of binoculars, we mean the front lens. The front lens is the foremost lens of the objective. " More info more suitable than the larger and bulkier counterpart in the 80 mm version.
With this spotting scope, DDoptics has really succeeded in offering its customers a professional, lightweight and inexpensive spotting scope.
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