Light transmissionLight transmission is the ability of optical glass or optical systems to "let through" as many light rays as possible. " More info bzw. Transmission bei optischem GlassIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info
Light transmission is the ability of optical glass or optical systems to "let through" as many light rays as possible.
With a good or high-intensity riflescope should be the Light transmission greater than 90 per cent amount.
The Transmission power or the Transmission loss for optical devices, such as binoculars and riflescopes, etc., depends heavily on the Optical coating the PrismsLenses have the property of imaging objects upside down and laterally inverted - therefore the image must be rotated again. " More info resp. LensesThe use of aspherical lenses leads to a reduction in the overall length of the binoculars and in some cases to a significant reduction in weight. " More info from.
Another important factor for the Amount of transmission lossesbinoculars, for example, the materials used in them are Prism types.
Abbe King Prism
In this context, the Abbe König prisms. With the same RemunerationIf light hits a glass-air surface (e.g. with a roof prism), the reflection causes a loss of light. " More infothey are with regard to Luminous intensityother types of prisms. The more expensive and also heavier Abbe König prisms are therefore increasingly being used for high-quality Hunting glasses for the night, such as the Night glassFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info Pirschler 8×56for use.
The exclusive Use of high-quality components and materials it is thanks to Test reports, such as the FAZ test report on the Pirschler 8×56 binocularsDDoptics products are almost always among the top rankings in terms of price/performance.
Uncoated binoculars only let through 40% of the incident light. The most common binoculars on the market fully coated binoculars allow approx. 60% of light to pass through. Quality binoculars in the top segment achieve transmission values of >80%. When it comes to riflescopes, top products such as the DDoptics riflescopes from the Nachtfalken family Transmission values of >90 %!
Auszug Ferngläser mit hoher Lichttransmission im Optik Shop
42 mm lens
42 mm lens
42 mm lens
56 mm lens
10x magnification