50 mm lens
Various binoculars
42 mm lens
56 mm lens
Binoculars with 56mm or larger lens diameters are often as night binoculars labelled.
However, this designation somewhat confusing as night glasses are not with Night vision devices must not be confused. Night glasses need available Residual light as a light source such as starlight, moonlight or twilight.
How long or with how little residual light one optics is still capable of producing clear images EyeThe retina of our eyes has two different types of sensory cells or receptors, the cones (for day vision) and the rods (for night vision). " More info to deliverdepends on countless factors such as the Prism type, used Glass typesIn addition to the coating of optics, the glass quality or type of glass is one of the most important quality factors for binoculars and riflescopes " More info or also from the type of CoatingsWith the help of a simple coating, this loss of light transmission (transmission loss) is reduced to 1.5%, for example. This already increases the amount of light that reaches your eyes to around 80%. " More info (coating).
Influence of binocular design on light intensity and twilight performance
The Lens diameterThe larger the lens diameter, the more light can be absorbed by the lens of the optical system. Glass purity plays a major role. " More info determines the Light image of the binoculars but also the weight of the binoculars. The light enters the binoculars through the objective lens. The larger the objective lens diameter, the more light can enter through the optics and the higher the Twilight performanceIn order to be able to recognise details over long distances even in twilight, binoculars with high magnification and corresponding twilight performance (e.g. 10x56 or 8x56) are recommended. " More info of the binoculars.
In addition, the twilight performance of binoculars is measured with the MagnificationThe magnification of a binocular model is perhaps the most misunderstood feature. High magnification can be useful! " More info determined. In principle, the following applies, the greater the magnification factor, the fainter the light and the greater the LensWhen we talk about the objective lens of binoculars, we mean the front lens. The front lens is the foremost lens of the objective. " More info the brighter the optics.

Why 8×56 binoculars as ideal binoculars for the night?
The visual acuity of the human eye decreases in the TwilightFor night glasses, which are ideal for sitting game and as sow glasses, the light intensity is the most important feature. " More info to about one third of the daytime visual acuity. Only for the blue spectral range enlarged the Sensitivity of the eye. In order to also Twilight light details to be able to recognise the Binoculars with large objective lens diameter and therefore good twilight performance. At > 1kg, 8×56 hunting binoculars already have a considerable weight.
To work with a 10x binoculars to achieve comparably good twilight vision, at least a 60mm objective lens is recommended which in turn leads to correspondingly higher weights for 10×60 night glasses. For this reason Night binoculars with 8×56 design as the optimal compromise among hunters and therefore the most common design for night glasses.
Is the twilight factor a quality criterion?
Definitely no! The twilight factor and therefore the calculated light intensity of binoculars is calculated from the magnification and objective lens diameter of the binoculars: 8×56 binoculars have a twilight factor of 21.2. In purely mathematical terms, this means that you can still see an object clearly at a distance of 212 metres.
The Twilight number stands as purely mathematical reference value for the Image brightness. For the real twilight performance of a night glass are rather the factors mentioned above, such as the Optical construction, different types of glass and the Quality of the RemunerationIf light hits a glass-air surface (e.g. with a roof prism), the reflection causes a loss of light. " More info decisive!